Find out how Waterbury has earned its excellent reputation in the torah world.
When Rabbi Ahron Kaufman was mandated by the Gedolei Yisroel to build a community in Waterbury, he was instructed to build a Yeshiva. “Go to Waterbury and build a Yeshiva,” they told him. “The community will emerge around the Yeshiva.” Today, twenty years later, Waterbury is a proud and thriving Torah community, centered around the Ohel Mo’ed of Yeshiva Ateres Shmuel. Below are some Waterbury community services.
Chaverim of Waterbury
Providing 24-hr emergency service for auto lockouts, flat tires, boosts, out of gas, plumbing and electrical emergencies and home lockouts. These services are for emergencies only within the Greater Waterbury area. Call 203-465-2025.
Chesed Shel Emes of Connecticut
Chesed shel Emes is a world-wide organization with close to 500 volunteers. During a time of need, Chesed Shel Emes of CT offers services to the community in a sensitive and dignified manner. We are available during one’s most difficult time to provide comfort and compassion. We offer tables and chairs for anyone sitting shiva, assistance with autopsy prevention and Meis Mitzvah. Call Chaim Gewirtzman at 203-510-3882 for more information.
The Hebrew Free Loan Association of Waterbury
Serving the Waterbury Jewish Community since 1913. Available to offer interest free loans to the Jewish Community. For more information please call 203-757-1561 or contact Attorney Joseph Weisman, R’ Reuven Poupko or Dr. Larry Scheer.
The Hebrew Burial and Free Loan Association of New Haven
Offers interest free loans and free burial plots to needy Jews in the area. Loans are generally given for emergencies and essentials – unemployment, funds for rent, sudden/urgent home repair, medical issue, etc. 203-772-8488;;
Hatzalah of Waterbury
Mikvah of Waterbury
Located at 186 Roseland Avenue, the Mikvah is open for women by appointment only. Appointments must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance by calling 203-754-4150. For same day appointments or for more information, text Gitty Braunstein at 917-863-3870.
Men’s Mikvah – Mikvah Kadosh V’Tahor of Waterbury
92 Prospect St. Hours: Daily 5am-9am, Erev Shabbos & Yom Tov until licht benching.
For more information or dedication opportunities, please call 203-509-5539; email
Tevilas Keilim
24 hrs a day in back of the building. Email: for more information.
TAG (Technology Awareness Group)
TAG is dedicated to assisting people navigate the complex digital landscape, to empower them to use technology in a safe and responsible fashion and to ensure that every person serviced by TAG is comfortable with the guidance and service provided. The Waterbury TAG office is located in Yeshiva Gedolah’s Administration building at 47 Buckingham Sit. (entrance of Buckingham St.). We are open for walk in hours every Sunday night 7:30-9:00 PM. Appointments are available Wednesday nights. Contact TAG by emailing
The N’shei of Waterbury
Provides for the needs of the women and the community at large.
Hachnasas Orchim
Welcome packages for new families are available by calling Shaindy Gershonowitz at 203-841-0816 or Chana Kolodnt at 908-333-5746. If you know of a family who just moved in, please call Cheryl Mervin at 732-236-7255 to arrange meals. For those considering relocation to Waterbury, arrangements can be made to visit for Shabbos by calling Esti Sonnenschein at 203-5738806. -
Meal Planning
Provides meals for women after childbirth, for new families that have moved in for any other special circumstances. Please call Faygie Beller at 347-414-0787 or Rena Greer at 203-606-3082. For questions about the N’shei, to join our email/texting group or to volunteer, please contact Dassy Karolitsky at 646-508-8084 or Chai Shapiro at 570-909-7501.
Bikur Cholim of Waterbury
The Bikur Cholim continues to expand as our community needs grow and currently has systems in place to help families going through a medical crisis.
- We maintain a freezer with home cooked meals for short term emergency use. We also provide long term meals for those situations that require it.
- Our dedicated volunteers give rides and offer home and hospital visitation to those who request.
- Additional volunteers maintain a kosher pantry area in Saint Mary’s hospital’s Birthing Center. Postcards are available throughout the hospital to help staff know how to assist patients in locating the kosher pantry
- Our innovative “Help a Mom” program trains a select group of young girls to be available to help out with basic childcare should medical crises arise
- We maintain the highest level of confidentiality
Waterbury Citizens Patrol
A group of volunteers who respond to, observe, and report any suspicious or criminal activity to the Waterbury Police Dept. if you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, email To report suspicious activity please call the WCP Hotline at (203) 759-8339.
Yad La’em
An organization for women, by women, to support women during the postpartum period. Various services available. Call (203) 805-7771 or email