Yeshiva Ktana of Waterbury celebrated their 8th grade boys graduation at a local High School on June 18th. The more than twenty five graduates were joined by their Rabbiem, Parents, Grandparents and friends to celebrate this momentous occasion.
Rabbi Shneur Levine, Menahel of the Middle School began the program with a beautiful dvar followed by thanks to all those who impacted these graduates. Rabbi Yehuda Brecher, Menahel then spoke divrei perida to the boys. Following the menahels warm words each boy spoke eloquently their personal thanks based on a dvar torah. Rabbi Avrohom Lowenthal and Rabbi Aryeh Shapiro, Eighth Grade Rebbeim then presented each boy with their diploma and award. The boys shined throughout the graduation reflecting their 11 years of tremendous growth at Yeshiva K’tana of Waterbury.
Boruch Hashem Waterbury has experienced tremendous growth and are very proud of another class graduating of bnei torah going onto top yeshivos!